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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Time Out!!!

I am putting myself in Time Out!!! I am forcing myself to stop!!! I am taking time for myself!!! I am saying "No More"!!! .....at least for a few days.... I think that Time Outs can benefit all of us. I used to think that time outs were only for when you were in trouble. I would yell at my kids and put them in a Time Out so that they could sit and think about what they just did. But I don't think they have to just be for kids and I don't think they always have to be bad a thing. What is so bad about taking a Time Out? I recently told my doctor that I would be taking a Time Out. A break from the constant worry. Time to just be me without having to go and get every part of my body pocked. Now I always have everything in the back of my head and the worry will never go away, but maybe a Time Out is all I need to get back up again. I think you have to force yourself to take the time. It's not always easy but I do think its necessary. You can only be a better person by taking that time. Otherwise you end up hurting yourself and the people around you more. I am no good to anyone when I am down. I have to know when I am at the end of my road and need to stop and start again. I don't stop much and when i do it usually is not a good thing. But I must learn to stop and smell the roses. I know that is such a cheesy saying but its so true. We are so busy trying to get everything done and be in a hundred different places that we forget what is important to us. I don't want to rush through life just trying to get things done. Instead I want to enjoy what I am doing. If I can enjoy the hundreds of things I need to do then they wouldn't be so bad. I think you need to know why you are doing the things you are doing. You go to the grocery store so that your family has food to eat. You do laundry everyday so that your child has her favorite shirt cleaned. You get the oil changed in the car so that it continues to run. You go to the doctor a dozen times in a week so that they know the right path to choice to make you better. You tell your kids you love them because you can never tell them enough. Sometimes when I can sit and see why I am doing this, I understand. I understand the purpose behind it and I want to get back in the ring. A time out can be a few minutes, a few hours or even a few days. The amount of time is up to you. You need to know how much time you need to sit and think about what you are doing. TIME OUT til Monday for me!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking one starting tomorrow! Enjoy yours - you deserve it!
