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Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm worth it!!!

I have to remember that I am worth it!!

I was walking with a friend this morning and she said that " we are worth it" and it really struck something in my body.

I have forgotten that I am worth it. I have forgotten that my kids are worth it. I have forgotten that my husband is worth it. I have forgotten that my family and friends are all worth it.

"live each day as if it were your last because tomorrow may never come"

Its hard to live each day as if it were your last. I believe I have many many more days in this world. But I also take that for granted. I allow myself to say"tomorrow" one to many times. Sometimes tomorrow is all you have and there is nothing you can do about that but I sometimes forget about today.

I am scared everyday. I am frustrated. I am tired. My body is sore.

But I need to believe that it is all worth it. Life has not failed me yet. At times I feel like it has but when I finally get my head off the ground, I realize that it was worth all the pain and misery.

I would say that I have been in quite the funk this past week. I feel like I have tried all the things that normally work. Walking. Talking. Crying. Yelling. Cleaning. Rearranging. Drinking. Even Sex. And nothing has seemed to snap me out of it. I am not one to stay down for long but this time has been particular hard on me and I am sure hard on the people around me. I have become a pin cushion again and I can only smile for so long.

But I want to smile =)

People who know me know my real smile and my pretend one. I am one of the worst liars in the world. What you see is what you get.

Everything I have done in life has been worth it and I wouldn't change any of it for anything in the world. It has had its obstacles along the way but the hard work has always been worth it.

I fight hard for the things that are important to me. Might husband would probably not argue with the fact that I fight hard for what I want. I have been able to stay home since my son was born almost 13yrs ago. We had to give up a lot and work very hard at making that happen, but nothing is worth it more.

I have to fight hard everyday to realize that I am worth being here. I am worth the time and effort that goes into me being the person I know I am.

I want to show my kids that I am worth it and so are they.

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is mystery.

Today is a gift.  

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