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Sunday, May 6, 2012


Therapy is defined as Treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. I used to think that therapy was going to see doctor. Physical therapy, AA, Marriage counseling, psychiatrist, counselling  etc.....  But I have learned over the years that therapy comes in all shapes and sizes. And finding what works best for you is that greatest gift.

Walking..... Walking is my therapy. Now it doesn't solve all my problems, but it sure makes them tolerable.

I realized that walking was therapeutic for me when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I had signed up for the Susan G Komen 3 day before I was diagnosed. I had wanted to do this walk for awhile and thought this was a good time. When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, the walk of course took an entire new meaning to me. I never imagined that that walk would change my life forever.

I was undergoing treatment during my first walk. My doctors told me not to push myself but we all know that I don't listen to that kind of nonsense. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to even finish the first day, but I thought I would do the best I could. 2300 walkers started that journey with me. I had no idea what to expect but as I took my first few steps, I knew this would change my life. As I walked each mile, I found a strength I didn't know I had. To see all the pink, to watch the tears of those who have beaten cancer or walk for someone afflicted by the disease, I could never look upon that and not feel changed. Every one of those walkers embodied a fighting spirit. And for those to weak to take part, others did so in their honor to send the message, " I will fight for you". Its a a beautiful testament to the human spirit.

I met many amazing people along the way. Two in particular that still to this day give me strength each and every day. Finding people with my pace was somewhat difficult given the fact I am a little speedy but I see it as a gift that these girls had my pace. We talked, we cried and we laughed over those 60 miles. I walked every mile and finished that walk knowing that Cancer was not going to defeat me. I have walked several more 3days with those same girls and they were there to hold my and hand and dry my tears when there was no one else. They walk for me when I can't take another step. For that I am forever grateful.

Sometimes my husband will tell me "Go for a walk" because he to knows that it will help me.

Sometimes I want to talk about it until I am blue in the face. Other times I want to crawl into my bed and never get out.

I think everyone needs their own "Therapy". Something to help you work through whatever obstacle you face. 

I try and walk everyday if I can. It does depend a lot on how I am feeling. But I realized when i start again, I actually start to feel better. Physically and emotionally. I am able to walk and talk through anything. Its the best prescription !!

As uncertainties and fear begin to take over, I try and just walk them off. Just like someone trying to walk off the pounds. I realize this is going to be my life forever. Every time I have a little bump or a pain, I will be face with fear and more uncertainty. But I can not let that take over. Instead I will walk as many miles as my body will allow. I will cry as much as I need to. I will talk until I am blue in the face.

I do not feel sorry for myself. I do not wish this on anyone else. I know I will be thrown for a million loops, but I pray I will grow stronger with each passing day. I cannot let this get the best of me and I will not let it ruin my life.

I am starting to live by this saying " Today is a good day. Tomorrow looks good. After that, we don't know"

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