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Friday, September 21, 2012

First Steps!!

When you first have a baby, you can't wait for them to start moving. Rolling over, sitting up, crawling and then finally walking. Each one another milestone.

I have forgotten what that feeling feels like. The excitement and joy that starts to fill your entire body! As your children get older , there are new milestones but you never forget the baby ones.

I got to feel that again when Hailey took her first steps again! It was like starting over all over again. The anticipation and the frustration all at the same time. She wanted it so badly and when it didn't start off right, the frustration started to start. We have been waiting for this day for 10 weeks now and its finally here. 

She has been off her leg now for 10 weeks and I think she thought it would be like riding a bike. After a long winter, you just get right back on it and start going. I think we all thought that. At least I did. 

I worry about what this will be like. I remember the days in the hospital and trying to get her to use crutches. It had seemed like such a long time ago but all those feelings came back as I watch her break down in tears saying " I have forgotten how to walk". 

I do the best I can as a mother. I  will sit right there and cry with you if that's what you need. I will get mad with you and I will fight too. I will do what I can to make it better. But even a mother can only do so much. There comes a point when I can no longer help and she must do it on her own. 

This is not something that will be fixed overnight( though I have wished that a million times)but it is something that will be fixed. And as the night went on , I saw Hailey take her first steps on her own. A joy that anyone can feel.  And whats even better is that many steps followed as well!!

I have tried many times to process this and what I have learned from Hailey breaking her leg.  Sometimes I come up short but other days I smile and know that I have raised an amazingly strong little girl!

1 comment:

  1. She looks like she is doing great! So proud of you both :)
