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Saturday, October 6, 2012


Can one be too overprotective of their child?

I am not sure I am the best person to answer that question but I am going to give it a shot. 

I have obviously had a very hard time with Hailey breaking her leg. And as recovery is coming along she is able to do more and more. She still has limits but is really coming along. Almost feels like we are starting over with "first". Her first steps, her first shower by herself, her first sleepover, her first time one the bus. Everything "her first" since breaking her leg. My husband asked me the other day if we are just starting over with first. I don't see why not!!!

I have a hard time letting her do things that she and I both know she is ready for. I do know there are a few things that I will for sure not let her do (like riding her bike ) but I also know that I need to let go of the fear and begin to let  go of the leash.

My husband told me my problem is that I need to stop trying to protect her from everything. I have to stop blaming myself for her breaking her leg and that I am overprotective. I had a hard time responding to that because of course I am overprotective. I am a mom and she is my child. What mother wouldn't be overprotective. But as I have gotten to think about it over the last few days maybe one can be too overprotective. Now I am not saying he is right because I do not like to ever admit that out loud, but he might have a point.

Hailey wanted to take the bus. I have been driving her to and from school everyday since school started. She has been taking the elevator and has had someone help her everyday. So I told her that if she wanted to take the bus she would have to take the stairs. He response was "ok". She was ready. She was asking and I just kept putting it off until finally I couldn't any more. So Friday she took the bus and never looked back. I waited for the phone call from the school all day and it never came.  I waited for the bus after school and was imagining a million things that could go wrong on the bus. Even to the point of thinking that the bus tipped over because it was a few minutes late. Maybe a little extreme but that's my mind for ya! She came off that bus all smiles and I couldn't help feel relief. And also wonder what the hell took me so long.

When life has thrown me bumps along my path, I have always been able to get up and get going. I am the one who wants to get off the couch on day two after having your stomach cut in half. I am the one who will lift the 100 pound tv with my bad arm and deal with the consequences later. I am not one to hesitate to get on with  life. But its a very different story when its your child.

Am I protective? Yes. Am I overprotective? Damn right! But I do not know another way. But I do believe that I need to try and be a little less overprotective and a little more protective otherwise I will be holding my children back from life. And there is no greater fear I have then holding my children back.

So each day I will loosen the leash a little more and hopefully by the time she is 18 , I can let go!! =)

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