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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


For Breast Cancer Awareness month, a friend of mine is honoring a hero each day on facebook. Today I was her hero.

A hero is defined as a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has preformed a heroic act. A person of distinguished courage or ability.

I have never considered myself to be a hero. That to me is a very high honor. And I am not one to consider to put myself up on a pedestal. But today when I found out that this amazing person had chosen me as one of her hero's I was touched beyond words. To be given that name, even for a day, is an honor that I will take with me always.

I am a survivor. That I know. But I do believe that being a survivor is a job. A job I will happily take.
 I call it a job because it is my job to take what I have learned from Cancer and share it with the world. Or at least with as many people who will listen. If one person can take away something from my story then it makes every bad day worth it.

I have no choice but to fight each and everyday. What else am i supposed to do. Is one supposed to just let cancer take over and win? HELL NO! I believe that cancer gave me strength to live forever. That is a gift that cancer gave to me. Strength to never give up and to continue to fight. What I try to do is look at what good Cancer has brought into my life. It has in a way formed the person I am today and has given me things I did not know possible. Breast Cancer brought Joan into my life and made me her Hero for the day! What better gift is there.

The stories that I heard and the people I met along the way while I was battling Breast Cancer are the only reason I am still here today. The inspiration that filled my heart let my heart continue to beat each and every day. I want my story to inspire others to never give up the fight.

One thing I have learned from Cancer is that every day is a gift. And you can never go back to yesterday. You only have today and if tomorrow comes then that is a gift. A gift that I try very hard to not take advantage of. Leave each day to its fullest. Do I do that every day? NO, but I should.

Life is a journey with many twist and turns and bumps along the way. There is nothing I would take back or ask to change because each day and every scar on my body has made me the Hero that Joan sees.  That is a gift that I will hold in my heart forever.

I don't consider myself a hero because I feel as though I can always do more. I am not doing enough in the fight for Cancer. In the fight for Life. And maybe I think that because until there is no Cancer then no one is doing enough. So I hope that I can be the Hero that Joan sees and make her proud each and every day.

I thank you for making me look at me a different way today. I hope that each and everyone of you will stop and think about who is your hero and how you can become a hero yourself!

Today Cancer gave me a gift! Today I am a HERO!!

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