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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today my Son is my Hero!

I love the moments when you look at your kids and your heart just smiles! 

Now there is nothing my kids could ever do to make me not love them. That's a given. But as with any teenager there are times when you long for the days when they couldn't talk and give you their opinion. 

Today Cameron is my Hero. 

Cameron is a special kid. Him and I are very alike. It is always very entertaining for my husband to watch Cameron and I argue back and forth. He is usually the only one smiling. 

I think we knew that Cameron was going to be a special kind of kid the second we found out I was pregnant with him. Given the fact the I was not supposed to be able to get pregnant and was on the pill. He some how found his way into this world. A pregnancy of bed rest and countless trips to the hospital Cameron Hope Dowd was born at 29 weeks. A tiny 4 lb , skin and bones baby was brought home with us and our world would never be the same. 

Even at a young ripe age of 19, I knew that life would forever be filled with love. 

We have watched him grow into a fine young man. Of course as he gets older its  a little harder to get information out of him and being a boy doesn't make it any easier. If something is bothering Hailey, we hear about it for days. But Cameron you have to pull it out of him. 

Last yr was the first year he ever had to try out for a team sport. Before then, you just signed up and everyone played and if they didn't you always had my big mouth to make sure that they did! 
He loves basketball. Plays it hard and try's with everything he has. 7th grade try-outs did not go as we all had hoped and he was cut on the final day of try-outs. He walked out of that gym with his head held high and the second we got home he asked if he could go play basketball. Now is basket case mother did not take it as well as he did. I cried like a baby. Hailey loves to do a great impression of me crying my eyes out. But it was something I honestly couldn't control. I was not mad that he didn't make it. I didn't think it was unfair. I just hurt for my child in a way I didn't know possible. You don't ever want to see your child hurt. And with Cameron, you knew he wasn't going to sit down and cry it out with me. Hes a boy who just like his father you must pull the feelings out!

Well he continued to play basketball and joined every league he could and did every camp he could over the course of the year. So that when 8th grade try-outs came around he would be ready. 

It was a very proud moment. He never gave up. He knew that there was a chance he would not make the team this year. Most of the players from last year were trying out. But he knew the second he didn't make the 7th grade team that he would try out for the 8th.  He gave every last bit of himself and by golly it paid off. He made the team!!!  And I didn't even have to sleep with the coach (which you know I of course suggested that to my husband). =)

As a parent, you try to instill values into your kids that they will take with them their entire lives. Cameron not making the 7th grade team and making the 8th grade team showed him that if he works hard enough , he can do anything. And I honestly believe that. My kids are my kids so I of course think they are special. But Cameron made me look at life differently too.  We can sit around a cry and bitch  about anything and everything or we can dry the tears and get up and do something about it!! That is a gift that is priceless to a mother.

I do not know if Cameron will ever know what this has done for me. I think at a time when I needed it the most, my son picked me back up!!

Let the games begin!!!!

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