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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

There are so many things I love about October. I love the changing colors outside. Every day it looks like there is a new color. I love the weather turning cooler. Curling up in a comfy sweater in front of a fire. I love that even as the colors are changing and you know winter is coming there is pink everywhere.

Pink is the color of universal love.  A pink carnation means "I will never forget you". The color pink can bring hope and a calming feeling. I think that's why Breast Cancer ribbons are Pink.

I have become a lover of pink. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I remember saying that I would never put her in pink. No fluffy dresses or pink tiaras. But I am sure eating my words now. I am the one pushing her to wear pink even when she wants to wear blue!! My husband has learned to tolerate me buying him pink. My son has a shirt that says "real men wear pink"! Pink has a new meaning in all of our lives. Whether its talked about or not, when someone wears pink in this house there is a smile in our all of our hearts.

When Breast Cancer came into this house it was something that no one expected. Not that you ever expect cancer or that there is a good time for it but it really did knock us all off our feet. A little surgery and biopsy turned into such a nightmare. One call to the doctor about one thing turned into the one phone call that no one ever wants to get. I couldn't speak at first. I remember my sister standing in the kitchen as I was laying on the couch when the phone rang. I hung up and she asked how it went. I couldn't tell her at first. What is the right way to say that the doctor said it is Breast Cancer? Is there a protocol? The words just come out and you realize that your life will never be the same. Stage 1 or Stage 4, life turns upside down. A million things go through your mind and you think it could never be me. Especially Breast Cancer at 28.

You hang onto what you can and you go on with your life the best you can.

October warms my heart and breaks it at the same time. I love listening and reading the stories of survivors. Hearing their strength and courage keeps me going each day. The stories of those lost break my heart but also give me strength. Those are the stories that make you cry but give you the strength to continue the fight and to help others fight as well.

I hope that you will wear pink at little bit more this month. I hope that you will feel your boobies more and encourage others to do the same as well.. Early detection saves lives. It saved mine!!

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