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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Doctors,Hospitals and Drugs oh My!!

What a way to start the new year off! 

I am hoping that if sickness comes into the house now, it means we are done for the year. Here's hoping at least.

Being sick yourself is hard enough, but having sick kids is even harder. And I hate to say that my kids are taking after me but I think they are taking after me in that they can't do sickness the easy way. They must go to the extreme. Flu is not the flu if you don't end up in the hospital with more issues. A cough is not a cough unless it turns into pneumonia. You don't really have a fever until it hits 103. Almost like they think we wont take them serious until they end up in the hospital!

Being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world. It brings so much happiness and joy into my life. Happiness that only a child can bring. It can also be the hardest job in the world. It can take every ounce of energy and emotion out of you and you have no choice but to keep going.

It is never easy to see your child sick but I do remember when my kids were little and they would be sick and would just want to cuddle with me all day. I always wanted them to get better but I never wanted that moment to fully end either. My 9 yr daughter will still cuddle up with me when she is sick but it comes with a little more drama now. My 13 yr old will only hold my hand now when he is sick and that only last  a few minutes.

Our son was in the hospital this last week and it was very hard to see him in that situation. It's hard to see any child in the hospital but its always different with your own. When my daughter was in the hospital this past summer with her broken leg, she would want me to lay with her and tell her its going to be ok. With my son it was hard because hes a 13 yr old boy. Cuddling with mom is not on the top of his list. The fear in his eyes was real and as with any parent, I just wanted to take it away. He is home now and feeling better. He again has an opinion on everything and doesn't want to do anything without a fight so I would say he has fully recovered=)!

My daughter must have been feeling left out because she decided it was her turn to come down with pneumonia. You know its bad when the doctors and pharmacist know you by first name. I almost felt like I should get them a Christmas gift =) !

No matter what age and no matter what sickness it is, as a parent you just want to be able to kiss it and make it all better. And when you can't, its very hard. But I must say that it does make me slow down. It makes me stop and really open my eyes. I hate that it has to take my child getting sick for m to stop but at least something good comes out of it. I am trying to learn to stop and smell the roses before I am forced to.

I can cuddle with my kids when they are not sick.

I can stop everything for the day any day.

I can stop and smell the roses with my kids any day I want.

I just have to remember that.

I hope your family is happy and healthy today and the rest of the year!

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