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Friday, January 25, 2013


Abnormal has pretty much been my middle name since I can remember. Do I really need another doctor telling me that!

The definition of Abnormal is not typical , regular or usual; not normal.

I was surprised to not see my name under examples when I looked up the definition =)!

I would like to think that abnormal would only describe the medical part of my life but I am sure others(my husband) would argue with that! And I would probably agree with it as well that I am anything but normal!

I think there are times that I forget that I am not the norm. That I can't go to the doctor and walk out of there the same as when i walked in. Something makes me walk in there thinking its just a routine appointment and that I will feel better when I leave the office. But I am so quickly reminded when I am escorted to a procedure room and sliced and dug into to remove what can only be described as "abnormal"!

Another "abnormal" mass removed from my groin and a handful of lymph nodes removed and I find myself recuperating again. Not sure what is worse. Being cut into or having to lay around , not able to do much. It can make a person go crazy after awhile. I am sure if you ask my husband he would not argue with you on that =)!

But after I get over the shock and the small pity party that I throw for myself I realize that being abnormal isn't a bad thing. It's my normal!

I have to except me with all my lumps, bumps and scars and not let it bring me down. My husband said something to me last night that really struck me. He said "I have really missed you". It made me realize that I allow these things to not just lay me up but break my spirit too. My spirit is what will heal me. I need to find a way to find that spirit quicker next time because there will be a next time. There always is. But how you go into is what makes the difference!

"Living is Abnormal"

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