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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year is Here!

Where did 2012 go?

 Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the end of 2011. 

2012 is not a year that I am sad to see go. Seems like the more people I talk to feel the same way. 2013 has to be better then 2012, right?

Now I should try and be more positive. I shouldn't let all the bad things of 2012 take over the entire year. I am alive. My kids are healthy(finally). My marriage is strong. My family is close. So I try and keep that in my head when I think of 2012. 

I know 2013 will bring a world of change to my life. Change is a part of life. It can be scary. It can be unknown. A new year always brings new doors to open. New chances to take. New adventures to take. 

Change is really what a new years resolution is. Changing something in your life that you want to make better. No matter what it is, it is change.  Change for the better. 

It's time to not give up on life. To look at the good. To take life as it comes and not worry about what you can't control. 

I know that 2013 will not be all sunshine and rainbows, but I do hope for a few less rain clouds!

Happy New Year! Make it Count!

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