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Friday, January 11, 2013

5 Stages of Grief!

Losing someone you love is never easy. 

Even when you know that it is coming, it doesn't make it any easier. 

Young , old, sick or unexpected, death hits you hard and you are left to deal with all the feelings that come with it.

    It is so easy to deny that you have lost someone. The days that follow the death of a loved one are the days that I think you deny it the most. You are dealing with so much so quickly that i think it doesn't really even hit you that you have lost this person that was so important to you. You are busy with the details of the funeral and what will be done with this and that that it's easier to deny that this is even happening then it is to realize that you lost someone you love. I think it's easier to deny it then to really face the fact that you will never see your loved on again.

    I think it's healthy to get angry. Getting angry doesn't mean that you don't love this person. It's a sign that you are hurting and trying to process this death. Angry because maybe it wasn't their time. I am sorry to say but I really hate the saying " it was their time". I don't care how old or sick one is, I am not a fan of that saying. I do not believe one should suffer at ALL but it's not someone else's place to say when someone else's time to leave this earth is.

    "If I do this, will you take away this pain?" Bargaining with God. If I stay busy enough and do this and that, maybe the pain I feel in my heart will go away.
I think this can be one of the hardest things to deal with.  I know just in everyday life when I try to keep my mind off certain things I try and stay as busy as I can but when life finally catches up with me, it hits me like a ton of bricks.  Nothing takes that pain away except to face it.

   Death is sad. There is no way around that. Nothing can bring that person back. Nothing can fill that spot in your heart that they filled.  You almost feel numb. The realization of it all hits you and there is nothing but sadness that hits you.
   There is no order, but usually Acceptance is the final stage of grief. When the realization of it all hits you and you finally accept it. You don't love them any less and you will think of them everyday but you finally accept that this is the new normal and that it is ok. And that some day you will see them again. You will still have days when you are sad and missing them will never go away but you will start to have less tears and more smiles again.

When you lose a loved one it always makes you look at life differently. It makes you not want to take life for granted. It makes you want to treasure every minute of every day!

For everyone who has ever lost someone or has watched a loved one suffer the lose of a loved one, my heart goes out to you all.

Treasure today!!

Everyday is a gift!! 

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