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Monday, April 23, 2012

First Blog Ever!!

So this is my first Blog.

Not even sure where to start but I think once I get past the first one, everything else will just come easily. At least that is what I am hoping!!

So here goes Cancer Girl's first Blog.

So why Cancer Girl? My husband said that if I ever wrote a book or had a book written about me, It should be called "Cancer Girl". Now I am far from being a writer but I love using writing as an outlet.
Cancer Sucks! There is no way nice way to put it. I am a five time Cancer Survivor. It started at 15 and it has haunted me through my early 30's. My story will play out through this Blog over time. No one person can handle it one Blog. Or maybe I can't handle it one Blog. I am still processing things that have occurred in my life through the years. Hoping to one day get a handle on it all.

I have an amazing, blessed life. I have had my share of highs and I have sure had my share of lows. But the lows sometimes make the highs even better.

I have been married now for almost 11 yrs to an amazing man, Ryan. He lives life on the edge and tries very hard to keep me on the edge with him. He makes me a better person each and every day. He is truly my better half.
We have two beautiful children. Cameron is 12( no need to do the math on that) and Hailey is 8. Both so very different from each other. They bring joy (and stress) into our lives daily.

I am blessed to have been able to stay home with the kids as they grow up. My husband and I made a deal from the very beginning, "You can do whatever you want as long as I am able to stay home". And that deal has never been broken. Now maybe I should have worded "whatever" a little differently, but its all been worth it.

My family has watched me through years deal with many different obstacles. And they have taken each step with me. Now don't worry this is not going to always be a "I love and adore my family" Blog. Its just to build the foundation =)

I enjoy life and 99% of the time have a pretty positive attitude. I attempt to make the best out of what is dealt to me. Now I do occasionally have my pity party, as I do believe we all should be able to. But I still try and pick myself up when I am done. Sometimes someone has to drag my ass but I do get back up.

I will sum up my Cancer life and attempt to elaborate over time.

At 15 I was diagnosed with a rare form of abdominal Cancer. Me and about 4 other people in the US had the same diagnosis. The other 4 died and I too was given that fate. Obviously, I am still here today to fight. I dealt with some recurrence's from that Cancer but went on with my life. Now I was told I would never be able to have children but as you can see I have 2. Miracles is what they are. After 2 children and a miscarriage with our third, I had to have a hysterectomy due to Endometrosis. They had to take my uterus and ovaries, forcing me into menopause at 28. Because they took my ovaries, I had to be put on Estrogen. Estrogen which they say caused my Breast Cancer at 28. Who knows if it was the Estrogen or just bad luck, either way it was Cancer. After recovering from all that fun, I was diagnosed with skin cancer on my stomach caused from the radiation treatment I received at 15. Cancer causes Cancer.

There is so much more to tell and explain. Everyday I deal with Cancer but I do not want Cancer to control my life. I want to wake up without thinking that that lump is Cancer again.

I hope this will be the outlet that lets me lay it all on the table.

Today will be a good day!!

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