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Sunday, December 17, 2017


" Know your limits, But never stop trying to exceed them!"

Life has been a little crazy the last couple of months, but I'm still here to bring you joy and craziness this holiday season. 😆 

Now I have never been one to listen to the limitations that are put on me. If you know me, I'm a little feisty, a lot stubborn and just a little determined to not let what life has thrown in front of me to keep me down. Some times I pay for it but I must say, it is worth it.

We all have limitations. Whether it be because of health, beliefs, a disability or our mind, We all have them. But what you do to them is completely up to you.

Cancer has forced limitations on me that I don't really care for and that I don't ever like to admit because I do not like to give cancer any power. So on my most stubborn days, I try to ignore the limitations and usually end up paying for it in the end but it never stops me from trying again. 

Because of the many surgeries I have had, I have had to find the new normal for me. And I am learning that I have to find the new normal a lot more then I would like. See when I'm feeling good, I forget that I am not able to do what everyone else can. When it's nice outside, I want to go for a run and not feel like I'm going to pass out. When I go out to eat, I want to order steak or pizza and feel sick afterword's not because my body is rejecting it but because I ate too much. When someone needs helps moving, I want to help and be in pain and sore because I lifted too much not because my lymphedema is acting up. My list could go on but none of that really matters. Now it sucks! Yep it truly sucks but it is not what really matters.

All these limitations make a life a little trickier but they don't stop me from living. I could just not ever exercise, or never go out to eat(which I love to do) or never help anyone but what fun is that. And what would that be teaching my kids. That when life knocks you down, let it. HELL NO! Not how it works. There are always going to be limitations in life, some drastic and some not. Are there days I wish I could still have kids, damn right there are(don't worry Ryan we are done) but I take those days and I remind myself that I have 2 amazing miracles and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. I don't look at it as something cancer took from me, I look at it as something I took from cancer. Cancer didn't stop me from having a family, it only made my family more special and that much stronger.

Cancer has tried and still tries to put limitations on me but I don't ever let that stop me from living. If anything that makes me live more. I don't believe in time frames or what ifs. I believe in right now and making life count. I have been able to do more amazing things in this lifetime then I ever knew possible and I will only continue to do amazing things in my next 100 years. Yes that puts me at 137 years old (almost 138) but I have hope that that is possible.

Sooooo..... this holiday season remember what life is about. Life is too damn short to be anything but feisty, crazy, fun and maybe a little stubborn at times. So enjoy it with family and friends. Laugh and make memories that will make you smile in 50 years. Eat the damn dessert(maybe a little extra for me) and enjoy the time together. Share your love and strength with others. And most of all, NEVER, EVER lose hope!

My love and strength to each and every one of you!

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