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Sunday, June 4, 2017

National Cancer Survivor's Day!

"With hope, the odds don't matter."

                                                 Happy National Cancer Survivor's Day!

Today is a day I never take for granted. 22 years ago cancer came into my life and has been a persistent shadow that follows me ever since. It likes to pop its ugly head up every once in awhile and has yet to learn who it is dealing with. So today is a day to celebrate the survivor's, remember those that we have lost along the way and give hope to those in the fight.

Life is too damn short to not celebrate. In an instant life can change and so it is important to take that time and enjoy life to the fullest. Today is an emotional day for me because I was told on Friday that another round of treatment is coming my way. When I got the phone call, it was as if I had been punched in the stomach. It hurt and left a bruise (nothing that 4 martinis couldn't fix... thanks my girls=))but bruises heal and the hurt turns into hope. And life goes on.

I am asked all the time how I stay so strong and positive. How I continue to fight on. How I deal with it all. My answer is an easy one and an impossible one at the same time. You see this is my life. The good, the bad and the ugly. I do not know any different. I do not know a life without cancer. I mean I can go back to before I was 15 but not many people like to go back to that age and I am definitely one of those people. Cancer is apart of who I am. It does not define me but it has helped mold me into the person I am today. It has tested me in ways I never knew existed. It has tried over and over again to knock me on my ass. It has taken body parts, my hair, and my ability to eat most foods. BUT none of that matters. You don't really even need all your body parts. Hair grows back. I have never had to diet (sorry but I play the C card if that pisses you off). Avocados really are the best food out there and I believe I started the big craze with them! So if you look at it that way, my life is pretty fucking awesome!

Now lets be real! I am not strong and positive 100% of the time. I'm human. No one is capable of that. I get pissed off and sad and I have to find a way to get up off the ground. But it's those moments that make me stronger. When I'm sitting on the floor of my closet, with my face in my hands and tears coming down my face, its those moments that seem impossible to get up from but at the same time its those moments that light a fire under my ass and gives me the strength to fight on. Hope comes in and the tears dry up and before I know it I am standing on my feet stronger then ever.

I hold onto hope always! If there is anything I always tell people who are dealing with this awful disease is to NEVER lose hope. Hope is every where. I feel hope when I wake up in the morning. I see hope in my husband, in my kids and in my family and friends. I feel hope when someone is given a clean bill of health. I hold on to hope when another friend is diagnosed. Hope is the only thing stronger then fear.

Sooooooooo...... Today....... We say FUCK YOU Cancer! Today we celebrate everyone who has been touched by cancer. We celebrate the survivors. We remember those we have lost. We give hope and strength to those fighting. We celebrate our families and friends who have been there every step of the way. Today we do not let cancer knock us down! Today AND everyday we show cancer just how strong we are.

   Rachel Platten- Fight Song

This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

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