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Friday, October 31, 2014

3 minutes.....

"For every would there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, "I survived.""

I have been asked to share my story at the Susan G Komen 3Day Breast Cancer Walk in Dallas this year. A story I have told before but a story that never gets any easier to share. And I have 3 minutes to do it!

I am always honored and touched to be given the opportunity to share my story when I know there are so many amazing stories to be told. So I do not take this task on lightly.

"How do I tell my story in 3 minutes?" is the question I continue to ask myself.

How do I sum up 19years of Cancer?

How do I explain that Cancer has taken so very much from me but has given me even more then I knew possible?

How do I explain what it feels like to hear" you have cancer" ? And then even worse to hear "you have cancer again, and again, and again, and again and again!"

How do I get them to believe that hope is so much stronger then fear?

How do I explain that walking 60 miles is my escape from Cancer? That being surrounded by pink for 3 days makes my heart smile and gives me strength.

How do I explain that I feel more like a women then I ever did with all my parts?

How do I tell them that my scars make me beautiful? And that hair is nothing more then an accessory?

How do I really, and I mean really, get them to understand that life is short? That at any moment your life can change forever so to make every second count.

How do I give them the hope that I have that one day there will be a cure for this awful disease?

How do I explain to them that my children know more about cancer then any child should?

How do I explain the passion I have to find a cure so that my children will never, and I mean NEVER have to hear "you have cancer"?

How do I explain that feeling of strength and hope when they cross that finish line after walking 60 miles? Even with sore muscles and blisters, how do I explain how that refuels me to fight?

How do I explain that my cancer fight is not over but that I have more strength and more hope now then I knew was possible?

How do I say "Thank You" for walking and for raising money that is saving my life?

How do I say "Thank You" for those who have walked when I have not been able?

How do I inspire them the way they have all inspired me?

And lets be honest..... How in the hell do I say all this without crying? =)

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