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Monday, March 10, 2014


"Hope is the only thing stronger than fear."

If I let fear win, I do not believe that I would be here. Holding onto hope is all we have sometimes.

We all have fears. We all have something that makes our heart race when we think about it. We all have something to fear. But what we do with that fear is up to us.

I wish that the only thing I had to fear was snakes and spiders. That would be easy. But as we all have learned, life just isn't that easy. Life likes to throw us more then the occasional spider.

Fear can cripple you. Cripple you in a way that can destroy you. It can hold you back from life. It can stop you from moving forward. It can make you doubt everything that you have ever believed. It can make you speechless. It can turn you into someone you are not.


Hope can kick fears ass!

Hope is the light that shines in your darkest moments.

I do not only believe in hope but I hold onto hope every single day. Without hope, nothing is possible. But with hope, anything is possible.

There have been many times that I have wanted to give up. Throw in the damn towel and say "enough is enough already!" But there is always something that pulls my ass off the ground and tells me to hold onto hope.

Every time I hear of someone losing their fight to cancer, fear kicks in and try's to take over. It makes me fear every bump and ache in my body. It begins to cripple me. It begins to break my heart. But then I stop. I take a breath. And I hope!

I hope that one day cancer will fear me and I will not fear it!

I hope that the scars on my body will become a distant memory of what I have survived.

I hope that the fears I have will not travel to my children.

I hope that some day no one will lose their fight to cancer.

I hope that one day we will all wake up and there will be a cure waiting there for us all!

I recently got "hope" tattooed onto my side. Now when I look in the mirror, I don't see the scars of the past but the hope of tomorrow!

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

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