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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

World Cancer Day!

Today is World Cancer Day!

 A day to bring awareness about Cancer to everyone around the world!

A day to be thankful for surviving.

A day to remember those we have lost.

A day to remember why we still fight.

There's no one not affected by Cancer. One way or another, cancer has touched all of our lives.

Cancer comes into your life unexpectedly and you wonder how on earth you are going to survive. You ask yourself all these questions and most of them you don't have the answers to. But you have no choice. You were not asked if you wanted to get cancer. You were not asked if this was a good time. I mean lets be honest, is there ever a good time to get cancer?

So I take days like this and I try to look back and see how far I have come. I do not know what tomorrow will bring or what my blood count will be or if I will even have the energy to get out of bed BUT I know today is a day to be thankful for surviving cancer. It is a day to inspire others to keep fighting. It is a day to remember those that we have lost but continue to inspire us to not give up!

Days like this always remind me to keep my head up. I may have had to cut my hair because it was falling out and I may not be able to eat everything that I would like and I may not always feel like I have enough energy to get through the day BUT DAMMIT I am here!!

Cancer does that to you. It slaps you in the face and reminds you exactly what life is all about. It's about taking that time and not rushing through life. It's about loving with all your heart. It's about taking chances. It's about fighting even when you want to give up. It's about being thankful, everyday!

Cancer try's to take everything it can from you. It try's to be stronger then you. BUT what ends up happening is that you become stronger because of it. You become a fighter. You become a Survivor.

I have learned that I may have to fight the battle more then once in order to win this war but that each time it only makes me stronger!

I have HOPE that February 4th will some day just be February 4th!

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