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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Dear Cancer.....

Cancer... I hate you... I thank you...

Today I sit down to right this with a very heavy heart. With tears in my eyes. With a piece of my heart breaking. But I sit down to write this because I have to continue to Hope. I have to believe in believing. Believing that there is light through all the darkness.

No one needs to be reminded that cancer is full of darkness. It's full of fear and sadness. It's full of more tears then you knew your body could even shed. It's digs deep inside your beliefs. It makes you doubt life like never before. It confuses you. It shreds you into pieces. It is full of questions that will never be answered.


Even on the darkest days you find a strength that you didn't know you had. You don't let cancer just come in and win. You Fight! You wipe your tears, you pick up your pieces and you fight like hell!

Cancer makes you Stop! Dead in your tracks. It makes you open your eyes and really see what life is all about. It makes you appreciate life like never before. It forces you to do all the things you have always wanted to do. It surrounds you with people you wonder how you ever survived without them before.

Cancer has taught me to hope in a way I didn't know possible. Hope that tomorrow will be better then today. Hope that my children will not know this fear. Hope that no one will have to lose their loved one to cancer. Hope that there will be a cure. No matter what stage!

Right now cancer is taking another fighter. A fighter who through her fight has given strength to so many. She has made us all stop and smell the flowers.

To many know this feeling. To many have shed these same tears.

So from this darkness we must see the light. We must shine that light bright and fight like hell!



Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life Lessons....

I have learned a lot about life in my 34 years!

Some I have learned the easy way and some I have learned the hard way! But each lesson has taught me something.

- Never take life for granted.

- Be kind to not only others but to yourself too.

- Be grateful for what you have everyday.

- Family will always be there.... no matter what.

- Children truly are a gift from God.

- Miracles can happen and do happen.

- Hair grows back.

- Laughter is the best medicine.

- Life is to short to spend time hating anyone.

- It's OK to fight with God.

- When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.

- Time heals almost everything. You just have to give it time.

- True love does exist.

- Crying doesn't make you weak.

- Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.

- No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

-  If you don't ask questions, you will never know.

- It's OK to admit when you are wrong (even if it hurts to say it).

- True beauty is on the inside.

- Give yourself and others permission to make mistakes.

- Dream big.

- It's never to late to say "I Love You".

- It's good to face your fears. Jump!

- Children are stronger then we think.

- A house does not make a home. The people inside it does.

- It's OK to ask for help.

- You don't always know what you had until it's gone.

- A smile really can change the darkest day.

- True friends are always there...no matter what the distance between you is.

- That there is always hope and you must hold onto it.

- Things happen for a reason.

- It's OK to let your children see you cry.

- Don't compare yourself to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

- Forgive.

- No pill can take away all the pain.

- Be careful with your words. They can break or make someone.

- It's OK to be different.

- Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but you must keep playing the game.

- It's OK to drink champagne for no reason at all.

- Don't judge a book by its cover.

- It's perfectly normal to eat the entire tub of raw cookie dough.

- Don't live with regrets.

- Sometimes you have to let go even when it hurts.

- You may have to fight a battle more then once to win it.

- Stand up for what you believe.

- It's OK to say No.

- Your never to old to dance.

- Bad things happen to good people and we will never understand why.

- Being a parent is the hardest job in the world.

- Life does go on even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

There are so many more lessons to come and I look forward to each and everyone because this life is worth each and everyone!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

World Cancer Day!

Today is World Cancer Day!

 A day to bring awareness about Cancer to everyone around the world!

A day to be thankful for surviving.

A day to remember those we have lost.

A day to remember why we still fight.

There's no one not affected by Cancer. One way or another, cancer has touched all of our lives.

Cancer comes into your life unexpectedly and you wonder how on earth you are going to survive. You ask yourself all these questions and most of them you don't have the answers to. But you have no choice. You were not asked if you wanted to get cancer. You were not asked if this was a good time. I mean lets be honest, is there ever a good time to get cancer?

So I take days like this and I try to look back and see how far I have come. I do not know what tomorrow will bring or what my blood count will be or if I will even have the energy to get out of bed BUT I know today is a day to be thankful for surviving cancer. It is a day to inspire others to keep fighting. It is a day to remember those that we have lost but continue to inspire us to not give up!

Days like this always remind me to keep my head up. I may have had to cut my hair because it was falling out and I may not be able to eat everything that I would like and I may not always feel like I have enough energy to get through the day BUT DAMMIT I am here!!

Cancer does that to you. It slaps you in the face and reminds you exactly what life is all about. It's about taking that time and not rushing through life. It's about loving with all your heart. It's about taking chances. It's about fighting even when you want to give up. It's about being thankful, everyday!

Cancer try's to take everything it can from you. It try's to be stronger then you. BUT what ends up happening is that you become stronger because of it. You become a fighter. You become a Survivor.

I have learned that I may have to fight the battle more then once in order to win this war but that each time it only makes me stronger!

I have HOPE that February 4th will some day just be February 4th!