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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Everything happens for a reason!!!

"Laugh at the confusion, Smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that.... EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON."

It took me awhile to really believe that everything happens for a reason. A life filled with a lot of "whys" made it hard for me to see the reason why things were happening.  But with the "whys" came so many answers that to this day continue to change my life.

"Why" is a common question to ask when something bad happens to you. I think its almost like instinct. Your life stops and your mind instantly goes to "why is this happening to me?" or "what did I do to deserve this?". Your mind doesn't always get a chance at first to think about what can come from this. It may take you a few days, a few months or even a few years to fully understand the reason.

But this saying has gotten me through many of the hard times in my life. And sometimes I understand why things are happening right away and sometimes it takes me a little longer. But eventually all the pieces come together and it all makes sense. It makes it all worth it.

When I was younger I don't think I could fully understand why Cancer was coming into my life and has continued to follow me as I grow older. But I know now that there is a reason I got cancer more then just once. The lives I have been able to touch and the people that I have met along the way have seriously made Cancer one of my biggest strengths. It has brought me lifelong friends. It has given me strength that I didn't know I had.

I believe that people don't just come into your life for no reason. I believe that the people you meet along the way are put there for a reason. Some are put there to pick you up when you have fallen. Some are put there to dry your tears. Some are put there to walk when you can't. Some are put there to make you smile. Some come at times when you least expect it but it forever changes your life. Some bring you back to life!

Not knowing the reason can be the hardest part sometimes. It's like a waiting game. And I HATE waiting. I don't do the waiting game well. But I have gotten better over time. And I have learned that whatever the reason is , it's the right reason. Even if it doesn't make sense in your mind, it will always make sense in your heart.

Everyday I look at my children I understand exactly why everything happens for a reason. If I had not  gotten pregnant young and done it all backwards, I do not know if they would be here today. I would love to believe that they would be but considering that at 33 I am no longer able to have children makes me understand why I was blessed with my two miracles young. And I wouldn't change it for the world.

I live with no regrets. Life is too short to live with regrets. I live life to the fullest without being ashamed of the mistakes I have made. I have fallen but I would rather fall trying then have the regret.

If my life has taught my anything its that "life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

So take your life and live it with no regrets because "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"'

Find your reason!!!!

"Be Crazy. Be Stupid. Be Silly. Be Weird. Be Whatever. Because Life is TOO short to be anything but Happy."

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