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Friday, July 26, 2013

2 Weeks!!!!!

Why do I walk 60 miles in 3 days?
There really is no way to fully describe what walking the Susan G Komen 3day means to me. Unless you have walked in the shoes of the thousands of men and women who walk every year you will never fully understand. But I am going to try my best to give you that feeling.

In 2 weeks I will walk my 5th Chicago 3day Breast Cancer Walk. I will walk with men and women who have had Breast Cancer, who have lost a loved one to breast cancer or who have a loved one going through Breast Cancer right now. 

I signed up for my first 3 day walk without having any full attachment to Breast Cancer. Having had cancer before in my life made me want to do something bold and life changing. I of course realized why I signed up for this particular walk 2 months after I signed up when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 28. Being completely blindsided by this diagnosis I had no choice but to fight. 

I walked my first 3day while undergoing treatment. My doctors had learned better then to fight with me and so they allowed me to walk. And thank God they did.  Without this walk, I honestly do no believe I would be here and as strong as I am.

The walk is life changing. No amount of drugs that was being poured into my body could heal me the way that walking these 60 miles did.

You are surrounded by a special group of people. People who help you look deep inside yourself and find the strength that has always been in there but that you needed help seeing.

I got to hear stories of such strength that you wanted nothing more then to fight. I got to hear stories that made me cry and made me want to only fight harder.

I met life long friends along the way. Friends who have wiped me tears and held my hand when I had no more strength to take another step. Friends who have walked for me when I couldn't. Friends who give me a reason to never give up.

I have gotten to tell my story and touch the lives of so many. I have gotten to be an inspiration to others and give others a reason to fight. If that is my cancer gift then it has all been worth it!

I have gotten to walk through communities that embrace you as their own. I have gotten to walk through cheering stations that have brought me to tears because of their dedication and love to support all of us. I have walked by the pictures of their loved ones who have lost their battle and of those fighting.  I have heard the gratitude of those not able to walk and have looked into their eyes. You can't help but gain strength from them and hopefully leave them some of your strength as well.

I have gotten to see my own family and friends support me in this journey. Near and far I know they are all with me every step and support me through this journey.

Cancer is not fair. Cancer has taken to much from me and too much from so many. Cancer has taken friends from me that have given me so much strength along the way. But their strength will live on as I(we) walk. Cancer may take away so much but it can not take away our will to fight. Cancer may eat away at our bodies but it does not eat away at our heart or our strength.

My body may get beaten up along the way and the pain may become unbearable at times but I know that I am surrounded by more strength then I ever knew possible. I know that if I fall along the way that I am not alone. That is something that Cancer can never take away!!

This will be a long and hard 60 miles for me this year but I know that every step I take it will make a difference.

I thank all of you who have supported me and continue to. Without you I would not be here!

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