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Thursday, October 28, 2021


 I am here, I am here

I've already seen the bottom, so there's nothing to fear
I know that I'll be ready when the devil is near
I am here, I am here
All of this wrong, but I'm still right here
I don't have the answers, but the questions is clear

As I try process life over the last few months, I am reminded that we are all trying to process and cope what life has thrown us over the last year. Some worse then others, but we are all feeling something similar. We are all trying to cope. And coping can come in all different sizes and all different dynamics. Some our coping with the loss ( which is unbearable). Some are coping with a new normal. Some are coping with the old they don't understand. Some are coping with new obstacles that are unfair and hard. Some are coping with something they have been coping with for years but trying to understand. Some are coping alone and others are coping with a friend or loved one. Either way, coping is not always easy. If you ask me, it is never easy. It is fucking coping and coping means "figuring out ways to deal with or work around these challenges. It is the way that we adjust to the difficulties or disappointments that come our way."

The song in the beginning of this is, I am Here by Pink, For whatever reason, this song has hit hard to me the last couple of months and I am reminded that I am here. Whatever the means. I am here. It means something different for everyone, but for me, I am here and I am fighting another day to continue to be here. 

We all have ways of coping. I have no judgement on how one copes with the bullshit that is thrown ones way. But for me, I try and find what works for me. It is not always the healthiest and I can guarantee you that it takes some convincing on the doctor side, but my doctors know me and know what they can push and what they can't. They also know what my heart and mind need and what my body can take. And I attempt to listen in all my stubbornness the best I can... as hard as that can be at times. 

October always allows me to take a step back a reflect. And this October (if i am being honest) I have tried to bury all and every feeling. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month as I prepare for 60 miles in San Diego in less then 20 days, I am reminded why this can be so hard and I give myself grace to feel all the feelings I never allowed myself to feel.  

a little side story....

We( and I mean me, Ryan and our kids) have moved around a little bit trying to find our path. We hit some bottoms ( and some highs) and we found our way back. We recently have said  goodbye to a home that as Ryan and I were saying goodbye too, described it as the home that " brought our family back together".  And as I look back at that time, I am reminded of what that means. We all have times and experiences that were challenging and felt impossible. But in those times, we have all found our way back to the sunlight. Even when it felt ( or feels) impossible. There is always hope. Always.

I know some don't get why one would walk 60 miles or why I would walk 60 miles when my body shouldn't. 
What I need you to know is that I AM HERE because of this walk. This walk saved my heart and my soul when I was at my lowest. This walk taught me who I really was and taught me that my story, my cancer, can help and impact the lives of others. And for that I am forever grateful.

Telling my story and opening my journey and heart has opened my world up to an enormous amount of love and support along the way. It has also brought me loss that I don't understand and I still don't know how to process. But that is cancer. An unfair, unknowing and selfish disease that no one should have to learn how to deal with. It is the club I don't ever want to initiate anyone into. But once you are here, we got you. 

I got cancer at 15. I am now 41 ( yikes). And cancer has followed me every step of the way. Showing it's ugly head along the way without any concern for me or my family. But it is why I still fight. I am more emotional then I was a years ago but that is ok. This is my life and I am learning to feel, process and cope as life throws its punches at me. But I make no apologizes for how I cope. Life is fucking short as hell and we are taking in every breath we can. I (we) have lost ones that I don't know how to cope with but try and find a way. And the only thing I know they would want me to do, is to keep fucking fighting and walking and talking and supporting and coping....

So as I try and cope with the world and the world of cancer, I thank each and every one of you who has supported me along the way. This walk, is something I needed and is something I don't know if my body can handle. But what I do know is that this walk 13 years ago brought me back to life and I know it will carry me back to life. I had to take a break from it a few years back and didn't think I could ever come back, but all of you have shown me that with your support, you will carry me through the finish line.

As the tears stream down my face, I thank you for always showing me my strength and reminding me we can do anything together.

This is not just for me...... This is for all those we have lost and all who are fighting and continue to fight.

But I am here, I am here
I've already seen the bottom, so there's nothing to fear
Know that I'll be ready when the devil is near
'Cause I am here, I am here
All of this wrong, but I'm still right here
I don't have the answers, but the questions is clear

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