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Friday, October 31, 2014

3 minutes.....

"For every would there is a scar, and every scar tells a story. A story that says, "I survived.""

I have been asked to share my story at the Susan G Komen 3Day Breast Cancer Walk in Dallas this year. A story I have told before but a story that never gets any easier to share. And I have 3 minutes to do it!

I am always honored and touched to be given the opportunity to share my story when I know there are so many amazing stories to be told. So I do not take this task on lightly.

"How do I tell my story in 3 minutes?" is the question I continue to ask myself.

How do I sum up 19years of Cancer?

How do I explain that Cancer has taken so very much from me but has given me even more then I knew possible?

How do I explain what it feels like to hear" you have cancer" ? And then even worse to hear "you have cancer again, and again, and again, and again and again!"

How do I get them to believe that hope is so much stronger then fear?

How do I explain that walking 60 miles is my escape from Cancer? That being surrounded by pink for 3 days makes my heart smile and gives me strength.

How do I explain that I feel more like a women then I ever did with all my parts?

How do I tell them that my scars make me beautiful? And that hair is nothing more then an accessory?

How do I really, and I mean really, get them to understand that life is short? That at any moment your life can change forever so to make every second count.

How do I give them the hope that I have that one day there will be a cure for this awful disease?

How do I explain to them that my children know more about cancer then any child should?

How do I explain the passion I have to find a cure so that my children will never, and I mean NEVER have to hear "you have cancer"?

How do I explain that feeling of strength and hope when they cross that finish line after walking 60 miles? Even with sore muscles and blisters, how do I explain how that refuels me to fight?

How do I explain that my cancer fight is not over but that I have more strength and more hope now then I knew was possible?

How do I say "Thank You" for walking and for raising money that is saving my life?

How do I say "Thank You" for those who have walked when I have not been able?

How do I inspire them the way they have all inspired me?

And lets be honest..... How in the hell do I say all this without crying? =)

Monday, October 6, 2014

31 Days.....

I am not sure where the time has gone but October is here and that means it's Breast Cancer awareness month. An entire month dedicated to pink! And since we all know how much I love pink, you know I love October.

This October I am doing something a little different. Every day this month I am posting a quote that inspires me to keep fighting along with a picture from the breast cancer walks I have participated in. It gives me a chance to share my breast cancer journey and to hopefully inspire others to never give up hope!

October could not have come at a better time. This past weekend, I finished another 6 weeks of treatment. 6 grueling weeks of feeling like the end was never in sight. 6 weeks of not feeling like myself. 6 weeks of trying to smile through the pain. But as my mind starts to clear and my body begins to go back to normal(whatever normal is), I am again reminded that it's not always going to be easy but it is always going to be damn worth it!

So I am going to use these 31 days to heal and to regain my strength. Strength I will need when October is over and I head to Dallas with my girls to walk 60 miles in 3 days for Breast Cancer.
A walk I have done 6 other times and will continue to do for as long as I can.

This walk will not be easy (not that they ever are). This walk will push my body like never before. It will be long and emotions will be running wild. But it will be worth every sore muscle and blister that I hope to not get. It will be a time to heal all over again. It will be a time to laugh really hard and to cry at any second. It will be time to inspire and to be inspired by some amazing stories. It will be a time to be surrounded by a sea of pink warriors all fighting for the same thing. An end to Breast Cancer.

So this October where a little extra pink! Raise awareness and NEVER, EVER give up Hope!
