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Saturday, December 21, 2013


A friend reminded me to never stop believing!

"I Believe in pink.
  I Believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.
  I Believe in kissing, Kissing a lot.
  I Believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.
  I Believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.
  I Believe that tomorrow is another day..
  & I Believe in miracles."

Sometimes its hard to keep believing when everything is telling you not to. When the world is trying to knock you down or kill your dreams, you wonder what to believe in. But when I stop letting the world tell me what to believe, I remember that living is believing!

And being reminded today to keep believing has given me the strength to fight on all over again!

My daughter Hailey still believes in Santa Claus. And she doesn't just believe in Santa for the gifts(though I am sure that helps) but she believes in the magic and wonder of Santa. When you stop believing, Santa stops coming.

And that goes with everyday life too. When you don't believe that its all going to be OK, how will it ever be OK?

I believe that life doesn't give you what you can't handle. Even when it feels like you are drowning,
you always find a way to come up for air.

I believe that you should never take life for granted. You never know when life will be taken from you.

I believe that what doesn't kill you does make you stronger.

I believe that people are brought into your life at just the right time. And they forever change you.

I believe in laughing until you cry. I mean what is better then that.

I believe in Love. Real Love. Life changing love. Happily ever after love. The Notebook Movie Love.

I believe that who you are makes you more beautiful. I have more scars on my body then I can count but I think they only make me more beautiful inside and out.

I believe that my children are the best medicine.

I believe in a good martini!

I believe in true friendship! Friends that hold your hands and dry your tears. Friends that push you to be the person you are. Friends that stay with you no matter how many miles are between you!

I believe in Karma. And its a Bitch!

I believe in Family! And that they will love you no matter what!

I believe in dreams! I believe that dreams really do come true. And that you should never stop reaching for them.

I believe in Hope! Without it, I would not be here.

I believe that I have won many battles with cancer but that the war is far from over! Cancer will follow me the rest of my life BUT I do believe that I will WIN!

I believe in the good of people!

I believe that hate is not worth holding onto!

I believe that no life is not worth fighting for!

I believe in words! I believe in saying what you feel(not that I ever have a problem with that). But I believe that you can never hear "I love you" to many times!

I believe in second chances!

I believe in a good cup of coffee! How the hell does one live without it?!

I believe in giving! There is no greater feeling then giving what you have to offer to others.

I believe in smiling! EVERYDAY! Even when you don't want to! SMILE!


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