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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School!

I am not sure if it's harder for the kids or if it's harder for me on the first day of school!

This year is obviously especially hard because we are in a new area with new schools!

I am not sure exactly how I thought this would feel but it's hard! I sit here wondering if the kids are ok and if they got enough to eat at lunch. It's not like its the first time they have ever been to school either but it sure does feel like an entire new world.

You always hope for the best for your kids and hope that everything you have taught them will get them through the day. As much as I want to hold their hands through this process, I have to let go and send them on their way. Which is the hardest thing for me!

Cameron is starting High School. That alone can knock the wind out of you. Add moving to a new state and not knowing anyone and you could possibly stop breathing.
At this age it's hard to get all the feelings out and understand what he is going through. But I am trying and remembering that at that age I probably wasn't sharing all my feelings with my parents either unless of course I was yelling at them! He is such an amazing child and I know all parents think that their children are amazing and I am no different but he really is. And so to see him hurting is the toughest thing to deal with. It would be nice to go back to the days of Teletubbies and treasure planet. I guess I should be careful what I wish for=)!

Hailey is starting 5th grade and has been counting down the days for months! Cameron kept letting her know that there is no way that they could be related if she was this excited about school.
She is so excited that she gets disappointed very easily. She pictures this great day so I just hope that it is everything and more for her today! She was so excited that sleeping and eating were hard to do and this morning she got so nervous that the tears started. But she picked herself right back up and got on that bus with a great big smile!

Being the new kid can't be easy. You hope that your child is welcomed into this new place with smiles and open arms. That they will look back at this day as the beginning of something great!

But for now I wait! I wait for the bus to unload my children with hopefully smiles and stories of the day. I know the road ahead is not going to be easy but I hope my kids can lean on me the way they have let me lean on them!

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