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Saturday, November 24, 2012

And it begins!!

The holiday season is officially upon us! 

The hustle and bustle begins!

As our family started to put up our holiday decorations, I wondered where the year went. Wasn't I just putting Christmas away and not we are putting it up again. 

It has been an eventful year to say the least. But it has been an amazing year as well. 
Our family gathered around the table for Thanksgiving and as we sat and ate out feast, I couldn't help but feel my heart smile. And not just because I didn't ruin the turkey=). But because I don' know if I have ever been more thankful for my family then I am this year. Every year I am thankful but life events just make you really appreciate what you have and that you should never take it for granted.

Some loved ones were not able to join us this year. I think the Holidays always make you think who is with us and who is no longer with us. And as you smile and love the family that is around you, you can't help but feel that sadness in your heart for those not sitting at the table with you. 

There is so much to be thankful for. The list could go on and on. I think this year I am trying to not take that for granted. Life can change in an instant. One minute you can be laughing and the next you can be crying. And not crying because you are laughing to hard.  

Sometimes something happens that changes your life forever. Some just for a short time but they still alter your life in some way. My life has been full of life changing instances . Each one different but in some way the same. They all put me on the path that I guess I am supposed to be on. It's like the saying " everything happens for a reason". I do believe that everything in my life has happened for reason. And I am learning to be thankful for my struggles. The struggles that make us the people we are. 

There have been many changes in our lives this year. Maybe this year is no different then other years. Maybe every year has many changes but I guess I am just seeing all of them this year. Or I am facing them head on instead of running from them. Changes that I know make me an even stronger person then I thought I was. 

As this Holiday Season begins and the craziness continues, I hope that I can keep the perspective of what the holidays are really about. I also hope to just be able to keep my head on my body=)
I want to sit by the fire with my kids. Bake cookies. Play games. Laugh. Cry from laughing to hard. I want to spend time with family and friends. I want to not get so stressed about having everything done that I running around like a crazy women. 

I hope that everyone can take the time and really look at what is really important. Because you want to be able to celebrate that before its too late. 

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Holiday Season!!!

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