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Friday, December 10, 2021

3 days....60 miles....Done!

 We walk because we must. We are strong because

the journey demands it. Together in body and 

united in spirit, we laydown our footsteps for this

generation and the next. This is our promise"



 It is hard to believe that just 3 weeks ago, I was in San Diego starting a 3 day walk that would definitely go down as the best walk ever. Now my body may not agree with me as I still recover, but it was worth every blister, muscle strain and a few toe nails. I shouldn't being wearing flip flops right now anyway so no one has to see those toes! =)

To say San Diego was beautiful, would be an understatement for sure. Walking along the coast. Seeing wildlife. The weather. The sunshine. The most welcoming community ever. Now the hills, not so much. I could go without the hills that were really straight up mountains but again, totally worth it.

This walk is incredibly special to me and to be able to do it with my dear friend Kim, made it even more special.  Not to say that there weren't times we looked at each other and asked ourselves "why are we doing this". But those only lasted for the those hills and nothing a few martinis wouldn't fix at the end of the day!

We went into this walk a little different than the ones before. We were allowing ourselves a little grace and said we would take it slow. And if we didn't walk it all, that is ok. BUT of course that is not how things went down. We walked every fucking mile and our bodies will tell you that for sure.

We were very lucky to have met a great group of gals who joined our pod at opening ceremonies. Now, we did warn them to enter our pod with caution and that we may or may not be what they were looking for. But lets be honest, once they met us, they were hooked! =) I mean who wouldn't be. We are loud, crazy, can definitely be bitchy. We can make you laugh and cry in the same sentence. I mean we are damn good catch if you ask me! =) But in all honesty, we met some lifelong friends for sure. And they definitely made this walk memorable and helped get us to that finish line. Truly memories that we will carry with us forever.

When you are walking 60 miles, you have a lot of time to think, feel, talk, cry and take it all in. This walk is therapy to me and was exactly what I needed. My body is not what it used to be and my cancer journey is a constant roller coaster. So I really try and take it all in. I allow myself to feel and think about my cancer journey and what is to come. I allow myself to mourn those who have passed. I allow myself to get mad and angry that cancer is such a huge part of my life and so many around me. I allow myself to cry (which I prefer to do in the comfort of my own closet). I know crying is ok but I have always tried to be so strong for everyone else, so these 3 days I really allow myself to process this crazy, hard ass life we live.

This walk is not just about walking 60 miles. It is about raising awareness. It is about meeting people along the way and sharing stories. We met so many amazing people along the way that it is hard to express what it all meant. I met someone who has a story that is so similar to mine that it was terrifying and amazing all at the same time. I was able to never feel alone. This is a pink bubble that makes you feel like you are just like everyone else and the stories will forever change your life.

As we finished the last day, we stopped and really took it in. The emotions at the end of 3 hard ass days of walking can be overwhelming to say the least. But they can also be the most amazing feel ever. I am asked all the time why I walk. I walk because this is my bubble. This is my time to really take it all in and try and heal from what cancer has and continues to do in my life and those I love. This walk has brought me lifelong friends who have seen me at my worst and hopefully my best too. This is a walk that reminds me that cancer has taken sooooo much from me but it has not taken my hope. Hope that this walk will end because there will be a cure and that no walks ever have to happen again.

So next year, we bring it back to Chicago! And we got one hell of a team coming our way. We got peeps coming from all over to make this walk even more incredible.

Best of all, we have my Hailey. Hailey will be walking with us next year so if I thought I was a hot mess this year, God help me next year. 

From meeting new friends, walking all 60 miles, the amazing community and all of your support along the way, I thank you. I thank you for letting me be me and for taking this journey with me. Kim, there are no words to put what these 3 days meant to me but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The body will recover and we will be ready for next year in Chicago. I encourage you to join us. I mean who wouldn't want to walk 20 miles a day, drink several cosmos after and wake up and do it all over again! =)  Doesn't get better than this!

I will continue to fight and I will continue to walk. Thank you for all your help.
