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Monday, March 1, 2021

So I did a thing.....

                                                     So I did a thing.....

To say it has been one hell of a year (and I mean the last 12 months) would be understatement for sure. And I know that everyone has had that kind of year as well. Some worse then others, but we have all had that year!

So as I try to find meaning and purpose in this last year, I did a thing. And when I say a thing, I mean a big thing!

It was almost 14 years ago when I signed up for my first Susan G Komen 60 mile, 3 day walk. I first signed up because after dealing with cancer for so many years, I wanted to do something that I felt would make a difference. Not knowing that when I signed up, I would be diagnosed with breast cancer and be undergoing chemo while doing my first walk. And that walk changed my life forever. It healed me and tested me in ways that I never knew possible. And 9 walks and years later, I had to hang those walking shoes and stop walking because my body couldn't do it any more. One of the hardest things ever because for me this walk helped  through some of the toughest times in my life. But I knew that my health and my doctors voices, had to come first. But...... it is time to try this again! 

This past year has been one of the hardest years of my life. And I have dealt with cancer for 25 years! There is covid, which pretty much speaks for itself with it's name. My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My dad was diagnosed with Leukemia. My husband had 2 hip surgery's where one almost killed him with blood clots. My health has been on hold due to covid but isn't stopping me from anything. We have lost loved ones and had to mourn in our own ways. We have all been separated from our families and our friends for way too long. So needless to say, I am in need of some therapy! Therapy that comes in a walking 60 miles. Crazy? Fuck Yes! But worth it! Hell yes!

I have always known that life is short. I lived that for too long. But this year has only reminded me that life is FUCKING short peeps! And we have no idea what will come next. At a moment, you entire life can change. I have watched and felt the lose of loved ones taken too soon. I have seen and felt the heartbreak of the diagnosis no one ever wants to get. I have felt the heartbreak and I have celebrated the milestones. And as I try to find the meaning in what life if throwing me, I find comfort in the community I have around me and know that with you all, no matter what, we will get through this.

It may not make sense to many of you and I am ok with that. We all have our outlets. But as I am reaching and searching for meaning, I am going to back to what helped me through some of the toughest times of my life and I am going to walk to find purpose and make a difference. I am beyond blessed to have my girl Kim walking with me. And together, we will conquer these miles together along with a community that is walking to make a difference. 

We all know cancer in one way or another. I know cancer in a way that no one should ever know. And for those I have walked with and those who have walked with me, this one is for you. This will be hard. My body will fight me every step of the way. But FUCK YOU CANCER, because you will not get in the way of this fight and this walk. I will need your strength and your support but I know with you all, I can do anything.

Thank you for always being there and supporting me always!
