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Sunday, January 5, 2020


"And in the end it's
not the years in your 
life that count. It's the 
life in you years. "

Today I turn 40!

I will worn you that at this exact moment, I have so many different emotions. Turning 40, I believe, is a milestone. For everyone. I know some say 40 is the new 30(which I will take) or that 40 isn't a big deal. BUT for me, 40 is something to celebrate and I am so glad I get to celebrate it with all of you.

Last night, my house filled with people that I love. Whether you were physically in my house or there with me in spirit, my house and my heart were filled with more love then I knew possible. 

This last year has been a roller coaster of emotions. Shit, my life has been a roller coaster of emotions! But it is my life and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. If there was a fucking bump in the road I hit, that bump only lead me to the next adventure and it built me to the person I am today. 

Cancer changes your life. It is brutal. It is unfair. It is heartbreaking. It is relentless. BUT I know that I am stronger then cancer because I am surrounded by amazing people who lift me up when I can't stand and when I looked around last night, I have never had more strength in my life.

There are so many things I want to say and so many emotions I could try and express but today I am going to just take in this moment. I have never liked birthdays. They have always been hard for me but I will say that 40 is the best birthday I have ever had. And as the bumps come in the years to come, I know that we will hit them together.

I truly love you all and thank you for filling my heart with so much love and giving me the strength to fight for another 40!

                                                                   FUCK CANCER