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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Update time

"The task ahead of you
is never greater
than the strength
within you."

I wanted to take the time to update you all on everything that has been going on and what is to come.
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has reached out to us in the last few weeks. I can honestly say that without each and every one of you, I would not even have the strength to write this blog.

So after what seemed to be an endless fight with the insurance company, we have been approved for surgery with the specialist in New York. I honestly had no idea that getting your insurance to approve a surgeon ,who is 1 of 3 surgeons in the US that can perform this surgery with a good outcome, could be this hard. But after jumping through all their hoops and seeing countless doctors here who could not perform this surgery, New York here we come.

May 10th is the big day! Ryan and I will fly out the day before and be out there for a couple of weeks. With having to fight so much with the insurance, I didn't really have time to think or worry about the surgery itself. But Ryan told me not to worry, that time would come. And here it is.
Having to plan for a difficult surgery is hard all by itself. I know, I have done many before. But having to plan for a surgery that is 835 miles from home, is even harder. Now I am beyond grateful that I am able to go to New York with one of the top surgeons in the US so believe me I am not complaining, but it does have its challenges.

We will be leaving our kids at home the first week which is beyond hard so please keep them in your prayers. I know this is not easy for them and we all try to put on our brave faces but needless to say I know this is hard. But their beautiful faces will come out to see me the second week with my sister and for that I am grateful. So if you see them just make sure to give them a little extra love for me.

I have managed to make every reservation for housing, get flights arranged and schedule around the clock care from family and friends. I am beyond overwhelmed with love with everyone willing to come out and help. I know this is definitely hard on everyone and the love and support from near and far are greatly appreciated. And to my amazing husband who has taken an enormous amount of stress off of me, thank you! I truly love you!

The last few weeks have been very hard. With not feeling well and much of my energy taken up with planning, it has not been easy but somehow, every time I feel like I can't go any further, one of you reaches out and gets me through. So Thank You! 

So I ask that you keep us all in your prayers and send a little extra love and strength to us too.

Thank you again for always being there!