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Tuesday, February 14, 2017


"A strong person is not the one who doesn't cry. A strong person is the one who cries and sheds tears for a moment, then gets up and fights again. "

I started today struggling. 2 weeks into a new round of treatment, my body and emotions are not making life easy. Not that life is really ever easy but it never helps when you feel like shit. So I sat in my chair, took my 2 minutes that I allow myself to have every once in awhile and cried. Now I couldn't necessarily tell you exactly what I cried about. Maybe it was because I felt like shit. Maybe it was a small pity party. Maybe it was a "why me" or a "why him" moment. Maybe it was thinking of friends who are dealing with cancer right now. Maybe it was that my hair is slowing falling out. Maybe it was being overwhelmed with life. Maybe it was a happy cry. Maybe it was feeling so loved by family and friends. Maybe it was lack of sleep or my 2 cosmos last night. Who knows.... But whatever it was, it made me stop and think about the amount of love I have in my life.

We all have bad days. That's part of life. Some are worse then others but I have always tried ( I repeat try) to take my bad days and get something positive out of them. So with today being Valentines Day (cheesy I know) I thought I would tell you what love is to me!

Love is....

Always being there... In good times and bad.
Letting me cry and be unreasonable for 2 minutes...
Offering help... even when I have a hard time taking it.
Making me smile and even laugh...
Sitting with me even if no words are said...
Sending messages just to say hello...
Having drinks with me when the world has been to much...
My daughter putting her head on my shoulder... even if it only last for a second.
My son saying I love you back to me...
Letting my bitch...
Excepting me for who I am...
Allowing me to speak freely.... even if it might have a some bad words involved...ok maybe a lot of bad words.
Knowing that cancer is hard even if you don't fully get it...
Allowing me to tell my story...
Doing the dishes...
Making dinner...
Coming together as a community and fighting alongside you...
Walking beside me and getting me to the finish line...
Holding my hand...
Making me feel beautiful even with all my scars...
Living with me...
Letting me feel positive when I feel like shit...
Helping me make the best out of life...
Fighting this fight with me...
Standing with me...
Giving me hope when I have started to lose mine...
Treating me normal(what ever normal is) and not as cancer girl...
Giving me words of hope to look at everyday...
The pure joy you get when the bell is finally wrung...
A cosmo and some sweet potato fries...
Is being yourself...
Being a rock for someone...
Holding me up when I can no longer stand...
Family... near and far...
Friends...near and far...
Crying together...
Laughing together...
Dreaming together...
Hoping together....
Never giving up....

So I must say that after reading this over, I can't help but smile and I can't help but feel strong. I don't understand why certain things happen in this world or why horrible things happen to amazing people but I do know that anything is possible to overcome when you are surrounded by love. I thank each and every one of you for loving me for me and all that comes with me! =)

             What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.