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Monday, August 25, 2014


"She stood in the storm & when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails."

If there is one thing I have learned it is that surviving takes strength! We are all surviving and no matter what we are living with or living without, it takes an enormous amount of strength. And at sometime in all of our lives we have to adjust our sails!

As I start to adjust mine yet again, I am trying to hold onto the strength that has gotten me to where I am today. Some days that is easier then others but no one ever said that life was easy.

As I start another round of treatment in hopes of preventing anything new from growing where it's not supposed to, I am reminded that surviving is the only choice I have. The fight is far from over but that in the end I will win. I'm to damn stubborn to not!

Now I would love to say that my glass is always half full but that would be a big fat lie. There are days where my glass is not only half empty but completely dry. Where the frustration takes over and emotions run wild. Where walking from upstairs to downstairs takes all the energy I have. Where the thought of eating just becomes exhausting. Where the thoughts of "enough is enough" are hard to fight off. Where the will to fight is hard to find.


Those never last to long.

Something always hits me at just the right time and my glass begins to fill back up! I find the strength and the energy to go up and down those stairs a few more times and tell myself that I'm the one who wanted a two story house. I begin to think of all the things that I can eat without guilt. I savor the taste of food and take advantage of midnight snacking. I start to let the thoughts of "you can do this" take over. I am reminded that everything happens for a reason and that this is just another part of my story and that I must trust this journey. I begin to see my strength again and begin to love the fight.

I need no reminder but I am constantly reminded on how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many amazing people who give me the strength to take each day as it comes and to look on the bright side of it all! It continues to give me the will to fight and the hope that one day this fight will be over.

So as I adjust my sails, I am reminded that surviving is the only choice I have.
