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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Escaping Cancer....

Escaping from cancer seems impossible at times. It seems to follow me where ever I go. In my body or in my mind, it has followed me for almost 20 years now. So when I find that escape, I grab it and hold onto it for as long as I can.

Walking the Susan G Komen three day (60 mile) walk is an escape from cancer for me. I know that may sound crazy but it's true!

When cancer has touched your life the way that cancer has touched mine, you need time to heal. Not just physically(which if you ask me is the easy part) but emotionally. The emotional scars are far worse then any scar that you can see on my body.

I learned that walking 60 miles in 3 days, surrounded by pink was my escape when I did my first walk 6 years ago while undergoing treatment. I knew my body was weak. I knew that my heart was hurting. I knew my mind and body would be tested. What I didn't know was that I would come away from it stronger then I knew possible. My feet somehow walked all 60 miles. My heart was slowly putting itself back together. And I learned that my cancer journey could help inspire others to never lose hope! And that alone is worth a million blisters and some sore muscles.

I honestly never knew what kind of impact telling my story could have. When I was asked to tell my story in front of 2000 people the second year I walked, I was so nervous. And not nervous because I was speaking in front of people(we all know I have not problem doing that=)) but because telling my story was me facing cancer head on. Having to write and speak about my scars and my nightmare was healing not only to myself but to everyone listening that it forever changed my life.

Cancer is scary. It brings fear into your life. It try's to take everything it can from you. It makes your body weak. It brings pain that never goes away.


I have HOPE.

Hope that cancer will not follow me for the next 20 years.

I know the journey is long and that the fight is far from over but I know that every step I take only makes me stronger and only gives me more hope.
