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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Trust your Journey....

"Stay patient & trust your journey."

We all have different journeys in life. No two are alike. They may be similar in many ways, but we all have a different one. Trusting it is the hard part.

There is only so much that is in your control. Me being the control freak that I am, likes to control as much as I can but I am learning that I have to trust more then I ever did before. I have to let go of the things that I can not change. I have to believe and trust that something, somehow, will come from all the obstacles in my life.

My journey has had many bumps along the way. Some bumps bigger then others and there will be plenty more bumps to come but there is a sense of peace that I get with each bump. See each bump seems impossible at first. It hits you and knocks you on your ass and you don't know how you are going to get back up. It drains you not only physically but emotionally too (which if you ask me is sometimes worse). It brings fear that you didn't know existed. A fear, if you let it, that can paralyze you.

But..... If you replace the fear with trust, you can get right back up.

Now I am not saying that trusting is easy at all. It takes courage. It takes strength. It takes hope. It takes believing that life is not always trying to knock you down, even if it feels like it.

Trusting can be scary. It does take patience and I will be the first to admit that I am not the most patient person. But even when its scarier then ever, you must trust. It's those times that trusting is the most important.

There are times when you have no other choice but to trust. Take surgery as an example. When you enter the operating room, it is bright and cold. They transfer you to a cold, hard table and you get covered with warm blankets. There are all sorts of people walking around talking and getting everything ready. You stare at this bright light that is above you and try to not let the fear be the last thing you feel before they put the mask on you and you start to count. Now obviously there are surgeries that I have had that have been scarier then others. Some I wasn't sure if I would wake up from and some that I knew would be a longer recovery then others. But each one I went into trusting that this was all part of the fight.

I have had many surgeries, to many to count, and I know that each and everyone has helped me get here today. It has been a painful part of my journey. It has been scary at times. It has taken parts of my body that I wish I still had. But I have to trust that this is just part of my journey and that I have years and years to come because of it!

I have learned that when I lose my way that there are people right there, holding my hand, helping me to get back on track. And whether I make it easy or difficult, I know that trusting my journey is the only way to go through life.

So even though it can be scary and you don't always know where the road will lead, trust your journey. It will be soooo worth it in the end!