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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Battle Wounds of Cancer!

"I think scars are like battle wounds - beautiful, in a way. They show what you've been through and how strong you are for coming out of it." (Demi Lovato)

Cancer leaves an everyday reminder that it has entered your life. Even when the cancer is gone it is still with you always. It leaves a battle wound!

Cancer comes into your life unexpected and it forever changes you! It comes in with a bang and leaves you vulnerable. Sometimes it leaves you bald and weak. Sometimes it leaves you with more problems then you had before. Sometimes it leaves you with the loss of a loved one. It leaves you scared. It leaves you with scar that will be a constant reminder...

BUT the one thing that I know for sure that it leaves you with is STRENGTH! HOPE! COURAGE!

I have met many people along the way who have been affected by Cancer. Either personally or with a loved one. And each and everyone of them have taken the bad things that cancer brings and have turned them into something good. 
I have met people who because of their loss have turned their loss into a fight to end this horrible disease. They fight to keep their loved ones spirit alive.

I have watched Cancer bring people together. I have watched friendships develop that will last a lifetime. I have listened to stories that make you cry every time you hear them but that also give you the strength to fight!

I have watched friends with more strength then I knew possible fight and lose. I have heard the stories of survivors who years later lost their battle. I have felt the pain and fear of what cancer can really do.
But the pain and the fear feed the strength! It gives me courage that I thought cancer took from me but in reality its the thing that brought it out the most. 

Its the hope that I give to others when I tell my story.  

Its the celebration that you get to have when you finally beat it. Its the joy you have when you hear of someone else beating it. And whether or not you know that person personally, you feel that joy and that hope that cancer can be beaten.

Your wounds may heal but the battle is never over. The battle continues and the more you see people overcome the impossible, the more hope there is! 

I will carry my battle wounds with me forever and I will be ready to go to battle for anyone at anytime!