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Thursday, August 15, 2013

60 Miles in 3 days!!!!

I walked 60 Miles in 3 days and I have blisters and soreness to prove it! But it was soo worth it!!

It was a weekend filled with amazing weather, new friends, old friends that make you laugh til your ready to pee and tears that will never fully ever stop pouring from my eyes.

I had the pleasure of being able to carry the MYSELF flag at opening ceremonies and speak about why I walk. A moment that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Being able to get up on stage and say why I walk was the best way to start off 60 miles. There are so many amazing stories that you hear along the way so to be picked to tell mine is such an honor.

I am blessed to walk with the girls I have walked with for years and know that there is no way I would have ever finished without them by my side. The friendship that started with my first walk that has now turned into so much more then we ever knew possible. We laugh. We cry. We bitch like never before. We complain. But most of all we carry each other each step and I am forever grateful.

We walked through communities that came out and showed their support. Little booths set up with signs and treats for each walker that walked by. Kids with signs that would make you cry. Survivors cheering you on. Drinks that make you smile and maybe even make you a little tipsy. Volunteer police that just might make your heart beat a little faster.  

Once you finish walking for the day you get to enjoy the amenities of camp. And when I say camp I mean camp. Little pink tents and semi trailer showers. Outdoor living at its best. You get to sit and watch as others finish up there walking. The medical tent starts to fill up with people who have blisters like you can't even imagine. Five star restaurant food is served, ok not really but you are so hungry that it doesn't even matter what you are eating. 

A few people are honored enough to be able to get up and tell there story at the camp show. Stories that remind you exactly why we are walking and what we are fighting for. Stories that make you cry and will stay with you forever. Stories of surviving  and stories of loved ones lost. It takes courage to get up there in front of so many people and open your heart.  But there is nothing better then touching the lives of so many.

It is the last year in Chicago for this walk and that made it very sad for so many. Chicago is where it all started for me and to say goodbye to something that has truly saved my life is very hard. But the journey will continue and the fight will never stop. 

The last day is always the hardest. You are tired and sore. You are crabby, well maybe just me =). Your body has been tested like never before but you continue to walk every step because the finish line is in sight. My girls held my hands and got me to the end where my family was waiting to cheer us on and congratulate us on such a great accomplishment. We walked in strong and brave as the tears were hard to control.

Saying goodbye is never easy but being able to take those 3 days with me makes it just a little bit easier.

I thank my family for being there every step. Without you and your support this would not be possible. Seeing your face every day is what keeps me going.

I thank my donors who support me along this journey and continue to believe in me.

I thank my girls for holding my hand and wiping my tears. Without you I would still be walking=)!
Thank you for loving and supporting me.

The fight is not over and I will continue to fight for myself and each and everyone who is affected by this horrible disease.