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Thursday, May 16, 2013

I AM.....

"I'd rather be hated for who I am , than loved for who I am not"... (Kurt Cobain)

I am a puzzle. Maybe that is why doing puzzles is so therapeutic to me. Many different pieces make me who I am!

I am a Mother! I may not win mother of the year award, but being a mom is my most precious gift. I have been blessed to be able to stay home with my kids from the beginning. I may have more wrinkles and more grey hairs because I am a mom, but I would not have it any other way.

I am a Wife! Married 12 years this May, I have married a man that makes me believe in myself and makes me a better person. I am not an easy person to be married to. I will own that! I am high maintenance . I am stubborn. I fight for what I want. But in saying that I also love with very ounce of my heart. I am married to me best friend. "My Person".

I am a Daughter! A pain in the ass daughter! I have put my parents through hell and back. But I could not ask for better parents. They have supported me and held my hand when they could have let go and let me lose my way. They have taught me the meaning of family. As I get older, I work harder and harder to make them proud. It took me becoming a mom to fully understand some of the things they did but I am grateful for the fights because they never asked me to be someone I wasn't. They excepted me. With all my craziness. They let me make my mistakes and they didn't judge me for them.  I don't always make it easy but I do always love them.

I am a Sister! Far and near, I am a sister. I don't think you fully start to cherish your siblings until you get a little older. Growing up, you fight over stupid things and blame each other for what the other did. As you get older, you just want to be around them as much as you can. I will fight for them. I will not let others walk all over them and I will support them in any way I can. We are each our own person. All very different yet so alike because we are siblings. I can laugh with them and I can cry with them.

I am a Friend! You are either going to totally love me or totally hate me. But if you love me you know I am a loyal friend. I am loud and will open my mouth even when I am not supposed to. If you hate me, I still think you know its because I stand for what I believe and will not let anyone walk all over me or anyone that I love. I will be there every second i can and I will drop life for yours. My friends our not just friends but just extended family. I will hold your hand and wipe your tears . But I will also push you to be the person you want to be. I will walk with you on every path, near and far.

I am a Survivor! Being a survivor is such a big part of me that it gets its own paragraph. Its such a big part of where I am today. I have survived my share of obstacles and I will continue to survive. I have survived Cancer more times then I thought was even possible. I have survived lose that I thought would break me. I have survived the ups and downs of life!

I would not be any of these if not for all the support I have gotten over the years. And there were times when I wanted to run and I am sure everyone around me wanted to run too!
I have family that should get its own award for sticking with me. Family that I was born into and family that I have married into. But all the same in my eyes. They have been there ever step of the way and have held my hand each step along the way. I don't things easy all  the time but I am forever grateful.

I AM me. No one can take that away from me.