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Friday, March 29, 2013


I have a love hate  relationship with hospitals!

Hospitals have been like a second home to me. Not really what I had in mind for a second home. I always thought maybe a place looking over the ocean or high in the mountains. 

Just walking into one gives me knots in my back and a few more grey hairs that I will need to cover up with a little hair dye. 

Now don't get me wrong, great things can happen at hospitals. My children were born in a hospital and they saved not only my sons life but mine as well. They is no greater thing then a baby being born. 
Cures happen every day at hospitals. Tumors that are impossible to get out, are taken out and a person will be able to live a life that they thought would be taken from them. 
Medicine that is not available to so many people are available and given to patients to let them live a pain free life. A longer life then what maybe they would not have been able to live without them.
Without hospitals, so many people would not be here today. Medicine, Doctors and nurses are things that I personally would not be here without and that makes them the gift!

Now on the other hand Hospitals can be your worse nightmare. They can be the place where life ends. The room they take you in to tell you that your loved one is no longer with us. 
They can be the place where a small procedure you went in for became a life threatening illness that you will forever have to live with. 

Love Hate Relationship!!!

But today I can say I love the hospital. Now it may not last for long as I have learned that the next thing is never to far away but today is a day that a hospital is my hero.

As I sat in a room waiting for my Hailey to be wheeled back to me after surgery, I couldn't help but cry after the doctor came in and told me everything went well. Relief..Joy.. Love.. It was all filling up in my heart and there was nothing but gratitude that we have this opportunity that I know so many don't.

As Hailey was waking up and she was getting ready to be discharged, she said very strongly " I don't ever want to come back here again". And I smiled and held her hand and said " we are all done here"! I hope that is true. If at least my daughter doesn't have to see the inside of a hospital for awhile that will make me one happy mother!

I should be thankful that we have the medicine available to us and I should not have hate for the hospital. And maybe its not the hospitals I hate, maybe its my bad life experiences that I have had there but I can't help but walk in and feel the knots form and the heart beat fast.

But today I will just be happy and blessed that my little girl is home resting after a successful surgery!!